In case your not aware, the newest way for thieves to get your money is to simply stand behind you and point a scanner at your wallet. In fact, at the Defcon hacker conference in Las Vegas earlier this year, an Android software app called NFCProxy was introduced that can read data from contactless credit cards. A number […]
Global Federation of Insurance Associations Has Now Been Established
On October 9th, 2012, the Global Federation of Insurance Associations was formed. This association is inclusive of 31 different insurance associations, from countries around the world, who will work on a broad range of issues pertinent to the international insurance industry. GFIA will take positions on issues including the designation of firms that present risk to the world’s financial system […]
States Slow To Establish Exchanges, Deadlines Approaching
The Affordable Care Act goes into full effect in 2014. As of January 1, 2020, states will have been required to have their health care “Exchanges” established. These Exchanges will consist of a group of competing insurance agencies that will allow citizens to shop for health insurance on-line, the same way you can shop for […]
Great News for Medicare Patients on Anti-Depressants
Medicare for the first time will cover screenings for depression and anxiety. Plans now may cover benzodiazepines, a class of drugs that includes Valium and is used to treat anxiety and insomnia. Also covered are certain barbiturates such as those used to treat chronic mental disorders. This is important news since many seniors suffer from […]
New Part D Coverage in 2013 For Medicare Recipients
October 15 - December 7th is open enrollment for anyone needing to sign up for or change their Medicare benefits. Brokers Assisance, Inc. in Westminster, Colorado, has been busy preparing for the annual event. One of the most recent changes is the Part D prescription drug coverage and new Medicare Advantage plans. In 2013, drug […]
Obamacare and International Health Insurance
Obama’s Affordable Care Act grants almost all US citizens health insurance by 2014 and international health care providers are wondering how this will affect medical tourism. Today, many US citizens travel abroad for their health care needs because it is so much less expensive. However, more affordable health care in the US has them unsure […]
IMG Underwriter, Sirius International, Rated A in 2012
IMG’s underwriter, Sirius International, has been Rated A by A.M. Best Europe – Rating Services Limited. Sirius’ claims paying ability continues to be strong by a safety reserve, which can only be released to cover insurance losses and is funded from the company’s cumulative retained pre-tax earnings. Sirius’ safety reserve at year-end 2011 amounted to […]
You Can Apply For Medicare Online
Medicare has four parts: Part A,B,C and D. Part A is Hospital Insurance, and this is free for insured people and helps pay for inpatient care and certain follow-up services. If you are eligible, you should sign up for Part A a few months before you turn age 65, even if you have other health […]
Expatriots and Obamacare
Obamacare is being rolled out in two phases. The first phase of the plan started in 2010. Some of the changes that are already in place are allowing children to stay on their parents health insurance until the age of 26, closing of the Medicare prescription donut hole, preventing insurance companies from denying coverage for children […]
Obamacare and the Self Employed
Obamacare will not require companies with 50 or less employees to offer health insurance starting in 2014. Small companies will not have to pay fines like companies with 51 employees or more. Starting in 2014, individuals and small businesses will have insurance choices called “Affordable Insurance Exchanges”. Exchanges will make it easier for individuals […]